Tuesday, February 18

Self-management: 3 Ways to Set Priorities and Be Productive

Self-Management: How To Prioritize And Be More Productive

Management skills are essential in the workplace, but people usually only think of managing others, and good leaders are indeed hard to come by. While these skills are important, managing yourself is crucial, too—not just at the workplace but also in your life.

See, having the ability to manage yourself is usually an essential indication of your capability to handle others.

Why is self-management important? It’s the ability to hold yourself responsible for your work and life. It’s the act of prioritization and budgeting your time properly. You know what you need to do, and you do it. Self-management also pertains to how you manage your personal errands. Some people often struggle to keep up with their schedules, but someone who knows how to handle themselves does not need to be reminded thrice about going to the dentist or picking up the laundry.

Without proper self-management, many people forget their goals and fail to prioritize work. To help you out, here are some things you can try to improve your self-management skills:

Try Not to Multitask

In today’s work-from-home setup, it’s difficult to deny that you do not multitask or even get distracted by your phone. Yes, you get some progress done, but it isn’t efficient.

However, people do believe in the myth of multitasking, especially when it still produces results. See, when we’re thrown several tasks simultaneously, it can be appealing to try to achieve two or more simultaneously, rather than considering the order of relevance of each job. Instead, people multitask and split their minds and focus. It is likely preventing you from gaining momentum and doing a task properly.

It’s reasonable that we’d wish to multitask. In a modern and corporate office, you get e-mails, workplace messages, and numerous browser tabs are open. It’s a great deal of work to contend with. So try not to multitask in little ways. Commit 30 minutes of wholehearted attention to the current task at hand. Focus and do not cause self-interruptions. Put your smartphone away, and start working. It may feel like your work is moving slower, yet in reality, you’re being time-efficient and making sure that there are no blunders in this manner.

Admit and Learn From Your Mistakes

As a manager, it is often up to us to point out others’ lapses and errors. In self-management, it’s essential to have the ability to admit your mistakes and shortcomings. Many people hesitate to own up when there’s something wrong, but if left unaddressed, you are impeding your progress and chance to grow.

Instead of avoiding a mistake, try to acknowledge it, if not as soon as possible, when you are ready. You’ll realize that you will even get comfier and confident about yourself again when you focus on how you will set it right. Admitting your mistakes also creates a pure teachable moment of growth. It’s also one of the strengths you can show as a leader or supervisor.

Admitting and acknowledging your mistakes can be one of the most difficult ask when it involves enhancing self-management. Dealing with it with a professional can also be a terrific method for you to address any baggage that you feel whenever you are wrong and held accountable.

Allow Time for Introspection

When you have a bigger picture that you are aware of, you will succeed. Planning your daily routine has a huge bearing on achieving your tasks and errands during the whole day. If you do not picture it, you will have a hard time making it happen. See, while we become busy and overwhelmed with everyday work and projects, make time to reflect upon your progress. If you do this, you will realize how far you have come and that you have spent your weekend well.

Final Thoughts

The majority of people think that you should have a company of your own to be a leader or manager. However, what they do not usually know is that managing your own self is just as hard as managing other people. When you are on your own, you can easily fall into self-sabotaging distractions and decisions, and you can justify it to yourself. So how d you deal with that?

Therefore, you don’t really need to have your own company to be a good manager or leader; it starts within you. People are their very own commanders in life, and concentrating on self-management is a terrific way to be better. With some kindness, patience, focus, and determination, we can all become the managers we aspire to be.