Thursday, October 24


Eco-friendly Business: Pointers for Minimizing Your E-waste

Eco-friendly Business: Pointers for Minimizing Your E-waste

Organizations and companies are among the biggest contributors to electronic waste (e-waste). Many are still uninformed about the proper processing and disposal of such waste, leading to adverse environmental and human damages. But in a digital world with mobile devices and other electronics, most people will purchase new ones and throw away their old devices. At the same time, electronic needs continue to increase with the demands of the business. Companies are always on the lookout for the smartest, fastest, and newest technologies in the market. But instead of creating plans on how your business can afford new electronics, understand how you can reduce e-waste. Your organization must know the best actions to take when dealing with unusable, broken, or outdated electronic items or ...
Renewable Energy: Innovations for a Sustainable Future

Renewable Energy: Innovations for a Sustainable Future

In 1931, Thomas Edison said that he’d put his money on the sun and solar power. “What a source of power!” he said. He hoped that mankind wouldn’t wait to implement this idea until the fuels ran out. It seems like he was right. Industries have extracted fossil fuels for centuries. Now that they know it’s limited, they’re shifting to renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is now the talk of the town for generating electricity. As governments grow serious about sustainability, industries around the world have to follow them. Here are the renewable energy sources that they’re investing in: Geothermal energy: Earth’s core is as hot as the sun. Geothermal energy makes use of the hot water just beneath the ground. It uses steam formed by molten rock. Places like Iceland, where there ...