Thursday, October 24

6 Ways to Cope with Stress Healthily

8 Smart Tips for Successfully Managing Stress | Everyday Health

There’s no denying that stress impacts your body and mind, and the more stress you feel, the worse it gets. But there are healthy ways to cope with stress, such as meditation, exercise, or deep breathing exercises.

While stress will always be a part of life, there are ways to help cope with it so that it does not negatively affect your life and health. Here are five ways to cope healthily with stress so that you can continue to live well in your hectic day-to-day life.

Negative ways that people cope with stress

Drinking, smoking, and eating unhealthily: There are all sorts of unhealthy coping mechanisms we employ when under stress. Perhaps you’ve grown accustomed to having a drink after work or smoking a cigarette during your lunch break. While temporary relief may come from these choices, over time they can have devastating consequences for your health.

People tend to do substance abuse as well, especially with ice or meth since it’s much more potent than other types of drugs. And it can also help them forget the stress they are facing. It is not uncommon for individuals who start using drugs for recreational purposes to eventually develop an addiction. 

Meth abusers might use it while they’re at work to keep up with a hectic schedule; but soon enough, their productivity starts decreasing, and their health may be compromised. Rehab programs for meth addicts can be a good way to stop these vicious cycles. You will find many drug rehab centers which have very nice programs that could help you recover fully from all kinds of addictions, including those related to methamphetamine.

Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress

Exercise When You Can 

Exercise is a great coping mechanism, and it releases endorphins, which are chemicals that make you feel good, and it clears your mind. It can even help you sleep better at night. There’s never a good time for exercise—just do it whenever you can during your day (even if it’s only for five minutes). If it helps reduce stress in any way, count it as a win!

Get Plenty of Sleep 

Getting seven or eight hours of sleep a night is important for relieving stress. The body needs time to repair itself when you’re in a deep sleep, which means that it won’t release hormones like cortisol and adrenaline during your slumber. These hormones can raise your blood pressure and make you more stressed than you need to be if they remain elevated throughout the day. Instead, allow yourself plenty of time each night for recovery from work so that you wake up ready to tackle your day.

Practice Eating Healthily 

Even when your life is stressful, it’s essential to remember that what you eat can affect your mood. It’s recommended that you try to limit or eliminate processed foods and fast food from your diet if possible. Don’t let yourself fall into eating sugary sweets that are so bad for you, or overeating in general. A balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish, and dairy products will help keep energy levels up and stress down!

Do Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation is an effective way to cope with stress. When you’re stressed, your body produces a hormone called cortisol. Over time, high levels of cortisol can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease or stroke. Mindfulness meditation has been shown in research studies to lower levels of cortisol. The best part: You don’t need any fancy equipment or expensive classes—just a quiet room and some determination.

Give Time to Relax 

Taking time out of your day to relax is a healthy, productive way to deal with stress. Plan and make sure you have plenty of opportunities each week for doing things you enjoy. It doesn’t mean you can’t work hard, but taking regular breaks will help you keep your stress levels under control.

One benefit of using relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation is that they lower blood pressure and reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone, which helps us respond to stressful situations. It can also cause an increase in abdominal fat, which makes it more difficult to lose weight and stay healthy overall.

Do Things You Love 

Research shows that doing activities you love can help reduce your stress levels. Studies also show that people who are happier and calmer are more successful and healthier than their stressed-out counterparts, so if you’re looking for an immediate way to reduce your stress levels, do something you enjoy. Whether it’s writing a song, sketching, or putting together a scrapbook—whatever gets your heart going will help put those hormones in check. 

Make sure you schedule a set time each day for stress reduction. Rather than waiting until you feel stressed out, make a point of practicing relaxation techniques regularly. Also, remember to get enough sleep and exercise regularly so that your body can perform at its best and stress won’t overwhelm you.