Saturday, July 27


Man Steals Woman’s Identity, Poses as Lesbian on Tinder

Man Steals Woman’s Identity, Poses as Lesbian on Tinder

A woman has been left terrified by the actions of a creepy cyber-stalker who stole her photographs and personal details to set up a fake profile on Tinder. The woman, a 28 year old from Milton Keynes who is named Faith, was horrified when the man’s actions first came to light. At the time, she wasn’t even using dating apps and was happily settled in a relationship with her boyfriend. It came as a shock then, when a friend contacted her and asked her why her photo was on Tinder and even more confusing was the fact that she had seemingly listed herself as a lesbian. Faith’s friend knew that she was not a lesbian so the profile caused alarm bells. Faith said, “"My friend is lesbian and this profile flagged up in my name as a woman looking for women. She knew it couldn't possib...

How You Can Future-Proof Yourself

With how things are today, we’re all very worried about how the future may end up being. The economy is fluctuating, the job market isn’t steady, and many people are concerned about their next meal. The pandemic really did a number on everyone’s lives, and many are planning their next move in life- be it to recover what they lost or start anew. If society has learned anything, it’s that we always have to prepare for the future. Especially us, as we’re very prone to the volatile changes in society. To help you future-proof yourself, below are some practical steps you can try out. Be Tech Literate Every year, we become more reliant on technology for our everyday needs. Most companies normally have a certain degree of computer knowledge, and going through life without understandi...
Top Cryptocurrency Tips That You Probably Never Knew About

Top Cryptocurrency Tips That You Probably Never Knew About

The cryptocurrency market size is expected to be valued at 2.2 billion in 2026. This is equivalent to an annual compound rate of 7.1% from 2021. The tremendous growth comes as more individuals realize the benefits of crypto trading and investment. Moreover, the growth can be attributed to the rising adoption of cryptocurrencies for payments and transactions in the US. If you are interested in cryptos, you must be aware of the risks and demands of this new venture. Keep reading this cryptocurrency guide to learn the top cryptocurrency tips that you probably never knew about. Have a Purpose What's your motive for venturing into cryptocurrencies? If asked, most crypto traders and investors reveal that they are in the game for the money. This is somewhat true as everyone hopes to grow th...
Top Characteristics You Need to Become a Successful Investor

Top Characteristics You Need to Become a Successful Investor

Investing is a game of risks and returns but it’s one of the best ways to grow your money. When it comes to investing, good financial education and an entrepreneurial spirit are necessary in order to start off on the right foot. Aside from the financial knowledge about creating assets and increasing your income, there are 6 traits that will enable an investor to stay ahead of the game.  Below are 6 characteristics and traits you should possess in order to achieve success as an investor.  A Good Goal Setter and Planner A good investor should have a goal and a plan. Goals allow you to focus on what really matters while a proper plan guides you in choosing the right investment opportunity that fits your personality, your needs, and your goals. For example, your goal is to have pas...

Best Magnetic Closures That You Be Sure of

There are a number of options to consider. For example, do you want to add a genuine braided bag bottom to the bottom of your bag to give it more structure? A woven bag bottom is frequently not only functional, but it is also extremely attractive in terms of aesthetics. Consider, for example, the traditional beach bag, which often contains this. You're looking for a new bag bottom, aren't you? There is a plethora of options to choose from. As an alternative, you may create a bottom by adequately strengthening a fabric of your choosing, which is also an option. Then there are the magnetic snaps that you can make use of for the bags. Handles Provide a Secure and Comfortable Hold It's also great to be able to carry the bag without straining your back. It is thus essential to have st...
Tips To Choose a Cremation Service

Tips To Choose a Cremation Service

Whether preceding a long or short illness, or untimely demise such as due to an accident, nothing prepares you enough for the loss of a loved one. Nonetheless, you have to pull yourself together to give them a proper sendoff. Finding an ideal cremation service is among the challenging but essential considerations you have to work through during the trying moments. So, how do you choose the best cremation services in Washington, with all the competitive options available? Here are some pointers to help you pick the best service and fulfill your loved one’s final wishes. Visit the website In the modern online-reliant world, every service has a website. This is a rich resources pool that can help you answer a range of questions. Browse through the information on the site to establish if...

How do Amazon consulting help to boost sales on Amazon?

While unveiling your 3rd party seller business on Amazon, you must have come up with the high hopes of reaching more prospective buyers to meet the standard conversion rates. To achieve the goal, opting for online marketing services by an amazon consulting expert will be mandatory apart from designing your online store by strategically. Hire an Amazon marketing agency that you choose has a major role to play in boosting the online presence of your enterprise by applying omnichannel digital marketing services strategically.  Remember, that being on the first page of Amazon is not the summit that you have reached, rather aim to be in the number one position to achieve more traffic. This is how the best in the industry Amazon marketing consultants work. The top online marketing serv...
Products You Can Make From Recycled Materials

Products You Can Make From Recycled Materials

Recycling at whatever point conceivable is something mindful to do on the grounds that a portion of the stuff in your reusing canister can track down a second life as astounding and sudden items. A large number of the items utilized each day have come from reused items as per sustainable packaging solutions. Reusing materials is a superb method to save regular assets like-mined metals, trees, and oil. Regularly, the assembling measures used to make these items likewise require less energy to deliver. It's significant that we as a whole do our part in settling on eco-accommodating choices to prevent plastics from topping our seas and heaping off in landfills, decrease our ozone-depleting substance outflows, and moderate the spread of miniature plastic. Items produced using reused plastic or...
Monitoring Your Employees’ Online Activity Is Essential in today’s Age

Monitoring Your Employees’ Online Activity Is Essential in today’s Age

In today’s age, employee monitoring has become essential. No employer can expect their employees to perform their tasks effectively without any supervision. If you want to keep your employees on their toes and want them to produce excellent work, then you need to monitor their activities in several different ways. Employers and team leaders should actively monitor their employees in the workplace in different ways to make sure high performers are rewarded for their good performance and low performers are disciplined and motivated enough to perform better work. When you monitor your employees, you can identify the areas where your employees are wasting time during office hours and whether or not they are misusing the company’s resources. If you have handed over company-owned devic...
4 Common Fibonacci Retracement Mistakes You Should Avoid

4 Common Fibonacci Retracement Mistakes You Should Avoid

Leonardo Fibonacci is a famous Italian Mathematician from Pisa that introduced a simple and influential sequence of numbers that are now commonly known as the Fibonacci numbers. The Fibonacci series of numbers start with zero, followed by one. You then add zero to one to get the third number. To get the fourth number, you add the second and third numbers, which are one plus one, to get two. This goes on until you get the largest number possible. The numbers create ratios that describe the natural proportions of things in the physical world. This ratio is critical in maintaining the balance in nature as well as architecture. It is also essential in financial markets, and it helps traders to calculate both support and resistance levels in their trading strategies. Whether you are an...